26 November 2008

Stuff that Stuffing up Your Stuffer

Stolen from an otherwise blase article on Slate.

"No one can even really answer the question: "What is stuffing?" You get a million different answers. A quick Google search exposes a certain desperation to make stuffing more interesting: Cornbread Stuffing Southern Style; Milk Cracker Stuffing; Awesome Sausage, Apple and Cranberry Stuffing; and, of course, something called Stuffing of Champions. I am not impressed.

A Wikipedia entry gets straight to the heart of the problem for me. "It is not known when stuffings were first used," the entry reads. "The earliest documentary evidence is the Roman cookbook Apicius, which contains recipes for stuffed chicken, hare, pig, and dormouse."


Wikipedia then goes on to note that in the Middle Ages, stuffing was "known as farce (from the French); the root of the word 'forcemeat.'"

Maybe that explains it. Stuffing is not real food. It's farce."

22 October 2008

I Have Truly Arrived Socially

I so have a blog. Watch out world.